Fibromyalgia: It Just Happens.

No Smoking Guns: Triggering Events Not Common in Fibromyalgia – Health Rising

The study looked at almost 1,000 patients, 94% of whom were women… only 27% of patients reported an obvious precipitating factor.  Of those 22% reported experiencing some sort of physical trauma (e.g. motor vehicle accident), while 5% reported an infection was present.

72% of Fibromyalgia  patients reported no obvious trigger at all. 

How a disorder starts can be very informative.  A recent study … suggested that the most common road to fibromyalgia involves neither a physical trauma or an infection.

For most people with FM, their FM appears to have descended like the dusk falling – slowly and surely and for no obvious reason.

It just happened.

The most common physical trauma reported was a car accident (6%), followed by surgery (5%) and childbirth (3%). When an infection did appear to trigger FM it was usually a respiratory infection.  Only 1% of FM patients reported having an infection associated with Epstein-Barr virus.

The type of trigger may have some impact on later health.  People with infection triggered fibromyalgia had worse quality of life scores but better emotional health scores.

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Read more: No Smoking Guns: Triggering Events Not Common in Fibromyalgia

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