If you’re mad as hell… File an Ethics Complaint

File an Ethics Complaint – I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore! • CERGM – By R Carter – Mar 2019

An option I don’t see discussed often, likely because it’s considered to have no teeth, is filing an ethics complaint with state medical boards and federal DHHS.

Many are concerned that doing so may make them a target, not so.

Ethics complaints are protected under both state and federal guidelines, the information can’t be released to a prescriber so there’s no way anyone could retaliate.  

Given the frequency and wide occurrence of ethics violations, if everyone did, state and federal authorities would be compelled by law to investigate and eventually take action.

If nothing else, enough of them create data points in the system which compel policy makers at state and federal levels to also investigate.

My friend over at PharmacistSteve has posted on this topic as well. He recommends the following:

If your insurance is Medicare/Medicaid/Medicare Advantage:

You need to file a GRIEVANCE with www.cms.gov (800-MEDICARE) against anyone involved with you being denied care for any reason.

Read Full Postwhat to do.. when they say no and pt is denied care

Policy makers will only take notice when we force them to do so.

Here are some attachments for filing a grievance at a federal level, which will get you started and answer most basic questions.

Here are some guidelines which will help you understand what an ethics violation is.

Finally, to file a grievance at a state level, go to the website for you State Medical Board. There you can obtain the appropriate form, some even allow filing your grievance online.

If you have questions you can always post your questions here in the Contact Us section of the website.

1 thought on “If you’re mad as hell… File an Ethics Complaint

  1. Kathy C

    It is a waste of time here in New Mexico, the most corrupt state in the union. Our medial board and CMS protect the industry not patients. It was really clever how our local hospital, a religious non profit, is able to deny healthcare to people. They have really sharp, cut throat, and well paid lawyers too. They redact and or “lose” medical records if there is any doubt about their illegal activities. It is pretty easy to smear and belittle patients who are not wealthy or politically connected too. They even use the newspapers to smear patients and family members, employees and anyone they can. They are better coordinated than the mafia, and they have more money.

    Liked by 1 person


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